Back2Besa with Jaebadiah Gardner
I had the opportunity to catch up with Besa on her show Back2Besa. Back2BESA is an engaging and informative weekly show that highlights the latest trends, celebrates inspiring stories, and features interviews with notable people on Fox13 Seattle.
Besa Gordon is one of the most recognizable voices on Seattle's radio airwaves. From her start as a blogger, Besa Gordon has carved her own path to the Emmys and beyond.
Besa and I talked about my journey to becoming a first generation real estate developer and investor. As someone who has defied all odds to build GardnerGlobal from the ground up over the past 15 years, it’s important to be a beacon of hope for future entrepreneurs.
We also talked about my book Believe In Yourself. I spoke about my belief that the essence of manifesting success is utilizing the undeniable power of belief and unwavering consistency. It’s a must that we stay focused in the face of daunting challenges.
Check out the full segment here in case you missed it, and watch new episodes of Back2Besa on FOX 13 Seattle Saturdays at 10:30 pm and catch the replay Sundays at 10:00 am on FOX 13.
Get to know more about Besa on the Converge Media website.